Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Yesterday Jacob had his MRI and spinal tap done. It was an early start. We got checked in at 6 am. This time Jacob was under for 1,5 hours. He woke up a bit quicker this time. The nurse was shocked that it had taken him 16 hours to wake up last time...
Jacob felt miserable most of the day. You can get a headache from the spinal tap. I think he both had a headache and was nauseated. He vomited a few times. Laying flat on the side was the best position for most of the day. At night, a fever started to spike...
This morning, Joakim took Jacob to the hospital since he was still running a high fever. Lots of tests were run, but no bacterial infection this time. Hopefully just some sort of virus. It took them 4 hours to find out...
Tonight his neurologist called. We will know the results of the spinal tap in 1 to 3 weeks. The MRI was unchanged from the one he had at age 1. She explained though that he doesn't have enough myelin. It is the "white matter" of the brain or insulation of the wiring of the nerve cells. It is essential for proper functioning of the nervous system. She was happy to see that it has not increased, but it doesn't help to confirm a diagnosis. As she said: it's not helpful, but it's not worse and not progressive". She also talked about that the MRI just shows the structure of the brain, but it doesn't say how it functions. I got the feeling she had hoped for something more to come out of the MRI.
Tomorrow morning, I am taking Jacob to see the doctor again. They want to monitor this illness, since he just had the spinal tap and the fever is not giving in.
4 days until I am supposed to sit on a plane to Madrid...Keep your fingers crossed that Jacob gets over this virus, and doesn't catch anything else between now and March 3rd when I'm scheduled to come back again!!! I am thinking if that's even possible looking back at the last 2 months...I am getting a bit nervous...
- Maria.
P.S. I uploaded new pictures of Jacob.

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