Thursday, September 3, 2009


We got home this afternoon from the hospital, no more oculogyrical crises today! Phew! It's a good feeling to be back home again! Jacob is still running a diarrhea and has a cough, but no fever. Most likely, he has some sort of virus. I did get the feeling he was very happy to be home this afternoon as well. I don't know if I mentioned it, but they put him on complete bed rest in the ICU, so he didn't get to move around much for 4 days.
Shannon has worked the afternoon and Sarah has a play date, so I have had some time to myself to recharge my batteries.
I am very much hoping that I won't post over Labor Day weekend! Thanks for all your nice words as I started to feel pretty tired last night. I do feel better today, just hoping for a good night sleep after a couple of sleepless nights.
Everyone - have a great (uneventful) Labor Day weekend!
- Maria.

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