Tuesday, June 16, 2009


Jacob has sepsis. They are not sure if pneumonia is causing it or if there is a blood infection or another cause of this infection. There are different opinions about him having pneumonia or not, and they just took another x-ray.
He was seizing for hours last night making it hard to keep the medication and the sedation under control. They decided to put in a central line to give him continuous sedation medication. He is also hooked up to an EEG as of this morning. I can count to 5 different pumps with different medications going into Jacob's body. The vent is doing it's work, breathing for Jacob. The EEG is reading his brain activity.
The worry this morning is that his blood pressure is low. They don't know, if it's due to the sedation medication or his illness. I woke up to the charge nurse saying that she needs extra personnel, since this patient (Jacob) is much sicker than she thought. Not a good message in the ICU.
I have always in a matter-of-fact told people that the worst thing for a mitochondrial patient is to be hit hard by an infection that can hit your major organs. I think Jacob is there now, and we can only pray that Jacob can fight this.
The tears are rolling down my cheeks as I look at my son this morning. With all the medical equipment there are not many spots to even touch him. I can't believe that yesterday morning he was cuddling with his sister in bed, and now he is so, so sick.
I will write again as I have more information from doctors, and hopefully a plan for the day.
Love, Maria.

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