Thursday, October 1, 2009


So, today it was my turn to be hooked up to the ECG, have the blood pressure cup, get an IV line, and be sedated. I am so happy that the wisdom tooth is out!!! So far the pain is manageable, but I think the initial sedation has not yet worn off. We'll see later today what happens...I am ready with my pain killers and all kinds of soup and ice cream.
So, accomplishment wisdom tooth is done. But nothing ever really stays stable in our house, we're always up for a surprise or change. As I was sitting in the waiting room at the surgeon's office, I get a call from Jacob's nurse Shannon. She broke her ankle in the class room, and was waiting for the ambulance to transfer her to an emergency room. Ouch...that hurts!
She will have surgery tomorrow, and will at least be out for 6 weeks. Ouch... that hurts too! My first thought is how can we do this without her for 1,5 months or longer? That hurts our family so bad, more than my tiny little wisdom tooth. We're so busy to get everything to simply work out in a day between Jacob's care, our work, and Sarah's activities. How can we do it without Shannon?
We're hoping that the nursing company can find a substitute, but so far, it has never happened. This time, I am truly, truly hoping for some super power to get us some GOOD help with Jacob or 6 weeks will be a very long time.
In the middle of teeth and ankles, Jacob is healthy despite us being surrounded by the swine flu right and left. He's chatting with daddy downstairs, not too happy that daddy still needs to get some work done. Already missing his lovely Shannon, who is always ready to play with him on the floor.
I want to end our "hurting" entry on a positive note. Jacob simply LOVED the warm water therapy on Monday. The pool has a nice temperature of 92F, so you feel like taking a long nap after an hour in the pool. I lasted until 1 pm before I hit the sack for a 20 minutes nap after that treatment.
My heart was so happy to see Jacob be independent. Jacob needs help with everything, but with the floating device in the water, he could go wherever he wanted within the pool. He could move his legs and arms, and move his head, and make his own transfers. He smiled and talked up a storm, and I knew deep, deep in my heart, that this is Jacob's place to be. Jacob hold an object in his hands for a couple of minutes in the water, not seconds, minutes! It's a great win for him. It's simply the best way Jacob and I can start a Monday morning. I forgot the camera, but will bring it on Monday, and post pictures of our little swimmer!
Send us some positive energy on the nursing front!!!
Love, Maria.

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