Thursday, July 15, 2010


I woke up not feeling so great this morning. It didn't matter how much suctioning we were doing, I just had more stuff in my nose and throat!
Mom decided that I had to stay home with daddy when she took Sarah to swim lesson this morning. I didn't like it, but at the same time was happy to take it a bit easy.
I started to feel more sick. A few seizures here and there. Daddy was busy with work, so I was so happy when Sarah walked through the door and gave me a big hug! She immediately turned to mom, and declared: "Jacob has a fever". Mommy took my temperature, and sure enough Sarah was right - the verdict was 102.9 F! My sister is my hero, since daddy hadn't been checking too closely on me :-
Mommy got busy on the phone. We got an immediate appointment with Dr. E, and cancelled all appointments for the day!
Before I knew it, I was on IV fluids, labs were drawn, and we were back in the old hospital routine. I still felt and looked pretty crabby despite Motrin and Tylenol, so it was decided that I would have to stay in the hospital until we know what's going on. My chest x-ray looks good, so no pneumonia in sight! Mom thinks I have a simple cold, but we'll know more tomorrow.
I am watching Wizards of Waverly Place, one of Sarah's favorite movies, in bed with her. She is also busy making her own barrette. She got lucky. A friend of a friend is working in the play room tonight, so she let Sarah have as many strings and beads she wanted for her barrette! It looks so pretty! She didn't have to pretend the craft was for me this time :-
Sarah is the hero around here tonight. The story traveled from Dr. E to my team up on the 8th floor on how my sister got me to the doctor in time!
I am hoping that this will be a short stay, and that I get to go home in the coming day or two. I am sure I still have to fight this bug from home, but that's still where I prefer to be :-
If you want to cheer me up, send me a card at:
Cross your fingers that I am soon back in the pool!
Lots of love, Jacob.

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