Friday, December 3, 2010


Since mom hasn't updated lately, I better do it! The phone is ringing, the e-mails are coming in - friends and family wondering if I am home or not. I AM!
I have been home since Wednesday. The minute mom put me in my own bed again, I knew I was home. It was such a good feeling. I love my house around Christmas time with all the lights and colors in every room. I even have my own little Christmas tree!
I feel pretty alert despite some more meds added to my laundry list. I am still getting over my cold, so need some extra oxygen during the day and night. At least, I don't have that nasty paraflu!
Seizures are better controlled, but not in a perfect place yet. I did have one last night, so mommy and daddy are on alert. I don't get to sleep alone in my room just yet. Mom talking to my neurologist tomorrow despite it being Saturday.
I am also really bummed that mommy decided that now is the time to take a break from school. My doctors and her are worried that I won't be able to fight a respiratory illness when my seizures are not controlled. I know they are looking out for the best for me, but I already miss my friends. We have a compromise, if I am doing fine on my last day before Christmas break, I get to go to my Christmas party at least. I also do get to go swimming in my school still!
We're in a little bit of a rocky place. Not knowing what the right combination of medications are for my seizures at this time. Not knowing how much longer I am going to fight this cold, not knowing if the new medications are also contributing to some of it.
I am going to stay close to home, and just enjoy the season for now.
We had many dear friends reaching out to us in the last couple of weeks, and I love my dear friend Samantha's mom writing about her visiting me:
Good night,

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