Monday, January 31, 2011


I am 5 today! I feel like a big boy! Many people tell me that I look older with the recent addition of my glasses as well :-

I am a tiny bit bummed that we had to cancel swimming today due to the snow and cold weather today, but we will be reading all my new books and listening to my new music I got for my birthday! Since I sleep in in the morning, we’re going to open the rest of my gifts tonight when Sarah and daddy are home again.

I also got a little tiny birthday party this year, since I am doing pretty well! Sarah picked the guests, and the Valentine’s theme for my party. We had chocolate cup cakes, and they sang happy birthday to me. Check out my birthday hat as well! I especially like the lion on it! Sarah got one as well. They are keepers!

This winter is going pretty well for me so far. I have recovered from my respiratory illness/pneumonia – finally! It took about 3 weeks. Seizures are pretty well controlled. Yippie! We have had a few really nice “spring” days breaking up this winter, so I have actually been out in the sun several days, which is always high on my list.

Ok, mommy wants to read some of my new books, so have to go! I’ll get back to you all later.

Much love, Jacob.

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