Wednesday, December 28, 2011


A week ago, we were caught in a snowstorm. We just left Canon City when large, heavy snowflakes started to come down. In good weather, it is a 2,5 hours drive home. With the snowflakes quickly turning into a snowfall, we knew that this would be a long drive.

In the back of the car, we had two excited girls who had just gotten off the Santa ride. Sarah and her friend don’t believe in Santa anymore, but there is still some magic in the air when you get to be on a train ride with Santa and his Elves, drink hot cocoa, and eat cookies.

Joakim was the driver, which I was thankful for. I am not a fan of winter driving, especially not after having been stuck in a blizzard coming down the mountain two winters ago. That blizzard made me promise to not end up in that situation again.

This was not a blizzard. This was a typical Colorado snowstorm. The sky opens up, and we get a BIG dump of snow!

It was 4 long hours on the road. Joakim is a safe driver, but in a snowstorm like this, it is still quite the drive. You have to stay focus every second of the four hours, stay focused on the road, and on cars surrounding you. My role sitting next to Joakim was to keep him focused on the road, making sure he was alert, making sure he didn’t get tired, making sure that if he didn’t feel safe driving home, we would stop and find a hotel for the night.

In addition, I was tensing up my right leg and foot every time Joakim was using the brake. I would call that “support braking”. I was constantly looking for the best lane for us to be in, and working with Joakim to move from lane to lane to make sure we were in the best plowed lane possible.

And in the middle of this snowstorm, I felt safe. I realized in the middle of Colorado turning into Winter Wonderland - that this is what Joakim and I do so well together. Battling a crisis or emergency. We both know our roles. We both take on our adult hats, and the calmness overtakes any other feelings that might be present. With Jacob staying healthy for six months, we haven’t been fighting emergencies together. That is a blessing, don’t take me wrong, but it is a dance we can dance very well together. So, the snow storm reminded me of the team work in our marriage, and that was a good reminder as we were getting home, putting two tired girls to sleep, and getting under warm covers that night (both having sore legs and feet from the tense driving).



P.S. And little Jacob was sleeping through all of the excitement at home with his nurses!

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