Gratefulness is the quality of being grateful.
You know that feeling when you sit on the beach and the waves come over your feet, then your legs and maybe if you're brave, the rest of your body. That is how gratitude feels in my world right now. It is not a constant feeling, but it comes like waves over me. Some waves stay, some waves roll over me until the next wave comes. I am in a place of gratefulness right now. I sometimes just stop in my steps and let it sink in. Thanksgiving is a good time for reflection and gratitude.
Social media of all sources have reminded me daily about how trying November typically is for our family. I get daily memories on Facebook, and as far back as 2009 I get to read about difficult long hospital stays, seizures not wanting to stop, colitis flare ups, and pictures of Jacob in a hospital bed. Sometimes when I look back, I'm thinking "how did we do it"? The answer is that this is Jacob's journey, and we're just here for the ride to love and support our boy as much as we possibly can. It's simple, and easy in so many ways.
It feels a little unreal that Jacob is doing so well right now. He looks so good, he smiles and is quite the chatterbox. The fact that Joakim and I even took a little vacation last week feels like a big step. I'm thinking about doctors putting all their cards on a worsen brain MRI this summer. I'm hoping that this is the time they realize that their crystal ball is broken. This is Jacob's life, and only Jacob's. We have no guarantees for tomorrow, but we will sure enjoy today.
Gratitude shifts your focus from what your life lacks to the abundance that is already present. I also believe that deep gratitude comes not just from a happy place. Gratitude comes from a place of truly cherishing what we have today, our whole family. Not something we can take for granted every day. Our Mito community has also had a rough time lately, and it would be an under statement to say it doesn't hit close to home. I live and breathe this disease, both the good and the bad.
I leave you with this picture. I stopped in my steps to capture a happy Jacob today. Simple gratefulness.
"Love the moment, and the energy of that moment will spread beyond all boundaries."
Love, Maria.
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